Harbour Air:
The Future of Electric Airplanes
Harbour Air is a regional seaplane airline based out of Vancouver, BC that operates short-haul flights to various locations throughout the Pacific Northwest including Tofino, Victoria and Seattle. Depending on the propeller plane model, flights can accommodate between 6 and 19 passengers and all flights are under 30 minutes in duration. Normally, airlines are limited to jet fuel since they have to travel long distances at high-speeds but given that Harbour Air only travels short distances in relatively small planes, it is in a unique position to explore alternative sources of energy.
The company has already made significant steps in terms of sustainability by becoming the first carbon-neutral airline in North America in 2007. Moving forward, Harbour Air aims to be the first all-electric, zero-emission airline by utilizing electric motors and batteries. Plane conversions are already underway and passengers could be flying in electric planes as soon as 2022. Electric motors and batteries will help save the airline millions of dollars every year since they are much easier to maintain compared to traditional piston engines. The price of electricity is also relatively stable and inexpensive relative to jet fuel. Meanwhile, customers will be able to enjoy flying in a clean and quiet aircraft.
Harbour Air, Aircraft Fleet. At https://www.harbourair.com/about/aircraft-fleet/
Umair Irfan, Aircraft fuel is notoriously dirty. This airline is betting on clean electricity, 2019, Vox. At https://www.vox.com/2019/5/14/18535971/electric-airplane-aircraft-aviation-clean-energy/
Harbour Air, Harbour Air and magniX partner to build world’s first all-electric airline, 2019. At https://www.harbourair.com/harbour-air-and-magnix-partner-to-build-worlds-first-all-electric-airline/